Thursday 29 November 2007

Silverlight V2.0

Silverlight V1.0 has been going for a short time now, with V1.1 adding parts of the .NET framework still in Alpha. However there is already news of Silverlight V2.0.

Version 2.o will add more of the .NET framework to Silverlight including a set of rich controls such as textboxes, buttons and. lists, all the common controls you will need for a basic Silverlight app. This really exitetes me as it will make it much easier for people to develop with Silverlight and will be less of a faf than it is currently. There are also alot more content of the V2.0 release that MS are not willing to make public at the moment, but be sure that come release date, Silverlight V2.0 will deffinatly be crowned a Flash killer.

For the full article check out Scotts full blog post here.

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