Wednesday, 4 June 2008

MACH Graduate Introduction

Ive recently been accepted onto the Microsoft MACH scheme, where I will be taking on the role of a MCS (Microsoft Consulting Services) grad.

Since finding out about the position the fellow grads and myself have whipped together a great facebook group to try and get to know one another before we beging the hectic 9 to 5 work schedule at Microsoft. So to better help us get to know each other and introduce some (well alot) of the fun stuff about the MACH program the current grads (MACH 8) put together a really informative and fun day for us all to finally meet up.

The day stated out with just a few short presentations of all the fun stuff that we are to expect whilst being a part of the MACH program, the travell, the fun filled "work trips" and the ability to network and form friendships with not only current grads in the UK but all over the world.

Speed dating, what an ingenious way to get to know who you will be working with than spend an hour doing speed dating and getting to learn all about the guys and girls that i will spend the next couple of years with, deffinatly a manic hour of finding out about each person (did you know one MACH is a distant relative to the legendary rolf harris!).

Next was my personal favourite where I couldnt stop laughing, looking over baby pictures of each other and trying to guess which photo belonged to which person and no joke everybaby, boy or girl look identical! How do maternaty wards keep track of them all?

After the days formalities at TVP were over we got the chance to relax with all the previous grads and really delve deeper into what our job roles would entail and what to expect from the scheme.

I must say its looking to be a great experience and just cant wait for September 8th to roll around :D

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